
Showing posts from September, 2024

Job Japes: The ND Diabetic's Grueling Gamble for a Salary.

An apology is in order. My work on this blog slowed to a crawl recently. I couldn’t muster up the energy to commit to writing routinely. It’s not that I didn’t want to, don’t get me wrong; I still have lots I want to say. My resistance to posting anything right away is because I don’t want to talk about exclusively negative topics. But there’s one inescapable fact that has influenced my decision-making throughout Summer and Fall: The job hunt where I live is demoralizing, yet despite that, I’ve been hyper-focused on it. My mind is at odds with itself. If I’m investing too much time in a job hunt, it begs for me to stop. But it simultaneously urges me to keep going—because it feels like it doesn’t deserve to stop fretting about my employment prospects until I’ve applied to something. There have been multiple times when I’ve applied to a position that I knew I’d dislike or be a poor fit for. Whether it be due to my lack of experience, the complications of my disabilities, or havi